
Religion this year has been interesting. Compared to other years, we have used far more technology, and the tasks have been more interesting. It has been a great experience, using all of the different programs and technologies, and thanks to it, I now have a better understanding of my religion.

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What does it mean to be a Catholic in Australia?

Being a Catholic in Australia is an important part of my life. However, it isn’t the largest part. For many people, their religion is not as important as other portions of their life, such as education and work. An example of this is parents sending children to Catholic schools simply for the level of education, not because of the religious aspect. For other people, there is simply not enough time to be the devout Catholic they could be. My grandmother, about 90 years old, goes to Church every Sunday, and prays every day, but many younger people I know, with busier lifestyles, don’t have time to do that.

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Good vs Evil


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Caritas Australia – Doing Good in the World

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Apocalyptic Writing

Apocalyptic Writing in the Bible is mostly found in the Book of Revelations. It is writing that aims to relate the goodness of God to the suffering of his followers by giving the promise of the coming of Heaven. It has been interpreted in many ways.

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Interpretation of Literary Forms in the Bible

A myth is a sacred story or narrative that deals with the mysteries of life.They are often about questions like how the world began, the nature of humans, and the presence of good and evil. These questions are usually presented as stories.

Biblical Fundamentalism
Biblical Fundamentalism is where the every word of the scriptures is believed to be true. Specifically, it is where everything in the scriptures is believed to be described exactly as it happened. One example is that Fundamentalists believe that the earth really was created in six days.

Historical Stories
Historical Stories are stories from the bible that are based on real events.These stories are not written to be exact, and because of that, some stories may be exaggerated or over-simplified. One example is of the Fall of Jericho. Jericho did fall, but not because the Arc of the Covenant was carried around it seven times.

Prophecies are stories from prophets who were raised by God to remind the people of the importance of keeping to the covenant. They were not fortune tellers, or seers, and could not see the future, but reflected on God’s Covenant and challenged the people to fulfill their promises to God.

Laws were written for two reasons: to provide guidance on what people should do to live by the covenant, and to tell the people what not to do so they can serve God faithfully. The entire Book of Leviticus sets out laws so people can live peacefully with God and each other.

Poetry and Songs
Poetry and Songs are scattered throughout the Bible, especially in the Books of Job, Psalms, and the Song of Songs. They are there for a variety of reasons, from thanking God, to praying for his protection.

Wisdom Literature
Wisdom Literature in the Bible consists of common sense, to tell people about life, people, behaviour, and thoughts about God and the world. Most Wisdom Literature is in the Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiates, and Solomon.

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My Glogster

My Glog

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Communications BubblUs

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Wisdom Literature Prezi

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